Wok The Talk...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chicken Chop Kolibuwuk!

Buat adik-adik seperti Zu dan Tillah...mak post kat sini mudah u all nak refer kat Fb tu dah celaru semua...hahahhahahahha

Chicken chop nih kenelah pilih Thigh fillet kerana isinya lebih enak dari breast meat.

3 Thigh Fillet
2 tbsp maple syrup or honey (mak mengunakan maple syrup)
1/2 teaspoon kunyi serbuk (tumeric powder)
1/2 teaspoon salt and coarse blackpepper
all the above marinate for about 30 minutes or more

Mustard Sauce
3 garlic finely chopped
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon mustard (or dijonaise)
1 tablespoon milk
a dash of coarse blackpepper
(optional juices from the grilled or bake chicken)

Bake Potato
2 big potato boiled for about 30 minutes and cut to slice anc bake for another 20 minutes sprinkle paprika, pepper and salt to taste.

Grilled chicken on a grill-pan or non-stick pan for about 10m - 15 minutes. Toss and turn. Jika tidak mempunyai oven...continue grilling for another 15 minutes and cover...as for me I want the chicken to be tender and juicy so I transfer the chicken to the oven and continue for another 15 minutes...


  1. a must try mustard souce lah ni.. nmpk so tempting pulak

  2. If you love mustard this will be great wink*...

  3. Bonda,

    Bila LAPAR je datang sini, bila datang sini je , LAPAR

  4. Biler lapar bertandang kembali! Idaaaaaaa....

  5. next tym zu nak guna mayo cuz lidah kita laki bini tak sesuai mustard huhuhu

  6. aha zu boleh tukar kepada mayonaise...budak2 kat rumah nih kalau mustard suka...ntahlah dorang nih kelakar sikit...hehehehe


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