This is serious ok! Please go for thorough checkup and stop overeatinglah....else esok-esok kene pakai bra lerr pulakkan tak senonoh tu...ada pulak kang masuk paper shot to overnight fame....papparazi kejo nak potik gambar pakai iphone...aniaya ajer...tak di buat orang...hihihihihihi...
If your husband developing premature breast please do not fight over bra, if you love him so much do something about it rather than having chronic anxiety and whining over trivial matters.... it's hazardous to his health and yours too.
STOP being a pathetic Whiner!
STOP being a pathetic Whiner!
According to research
Male adult breast growth
Increasing breast size in adult males is almost always due to overeating which results in fat laying down fat over the pectoral region. If male breasts suddenly increase in size and/or become painful, then medical intervention is required. In old age hormonal imbalances may be the cause.
There are a few conditions, some of them requiring medical intervention, that can cause gynecomastia so an accurate diagnosis will tell you and your doctor if you need to treat an underlying condition.
Diseases that cause adult male breast growth
Possible causes of male adult breast growth include kidney failure, chronic liver disease, tumors, genetic disorders such as Klinefelter's syndrome, as well as side effects of some therapeutic drugs, exposure to androgen hormones taken by some body builders.
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