Wok The Talk...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Roti Peranchis ala Kualiburuk

Mak Peah ada blog lagi satu cakap omputih. Ntah angin apa kadangkala mak Peah suka cakap omputih bukan tunjuk skill hebat. Cuma blog lagi satu Mak Peah suka main jahit menjahitan bukan jahit mulut orang nauzubillah. Mak Peah tak bikin kerja terkutuk semacam gitu. hehehehehhehe...

Mak Peah banyak hobi. Hobbies Mak Peah berbagai ikut sukahati Mak Peah, so Mak Peah kumpul resepi sendiri pun kerana senang nanti Mak Peah nak refer. Maklumlah resepi begini bukan selalu kita buat. Kita pun bukan chef professional kekadang memang lupa.

So, harap maklum bila kekadang entry ada bercakap omputih. Bukan eksyen tapi di ambil dari blog sebelah rumah jerr....bukan blog orang lain pun sendiri juga yang empunya...hihihi

Most of the time I bake only five mini french loaves. So the recipe goes like this:

A pinch of salt.
A teaspoon of Bruggeman Yeast
1 1/2 cups of water
(stir well before adding in the flour)

3 cups of flour (plain or wheat flour)

Mixed everything and it will be a little bit soggy as I am not making a typical or normal dough. To be reminded the above ingredients not to be touched by the hand at all until much later. I just mixed it with a spoon or spatula only.

Let it rest and fully covered for minimum time 30 minutes. Normally I kept it over the night in the fridge. It can be kept up to a week. Strange but true!

Once the mixed has risen, throw in plenty of flour then scoop it up to make it into a required shape. Again, I never even try to make a dough out of it. Once divided into five or four portion let it rest for another 10 minutes while preheat oven for another go. Set oven 200 degrees and baking time for 20 minutes VOILA! BOn ApPEtit! THAT'S ALL FOLKS easy isn't it?

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